Project Overview

The Product

Weight Watchers app; specifically the food search and tracking part of the app.

The Problem

There was pre-existing user feedback, this study aimed to evaluate the present search and tracking process to uncover user painpoints and frictions.


Qualitative, Behavioral, Evaluative, Attitudinal, Usability Study

Role & Responsibility

UX Researcher: Methodology, Stakeholders Interview, Data Analysis, Presentation, Insight Development, Persona Development, Next Steps

The Goal

Understand how users currently use the search and tracking flow(s) and understand user’s expectations compared to the actual experience.

Methodology & Participant(s)

Diary study conduced remotely over DScout.

14 participants: 7 participants never used the weight watchers (WW) app, 5 participants were new users that recently joined WW, & 2 were WW users with over 2 months membership tenure

Identify The Problem & Define Goal

The Problem:

The study was evaluative, to identify user pain points and to understand users feedback.

The Goal:

Use the data retrieved in the study to tackle usability issues and identify areas in the app that need the teams attention.

Research Summary: We conducted Diary study over DScout that included an intro call, 7 days of food search and tracking activities by participants and a follow-up call with 50% of the participants selected based on observations made by research team.

Research Findings: We saw patterns of search terms, and identified friction and painpoints that users encounter when interacting with the WW app. We found that there were gaps between users expectations and their actual experience when using the app.

  • We identified patterns in search terms used by users

  • The study identified focal areas of strategic guidance for the food database

  • We identified use cases and pathways taken; both common and unexpected pathways

  • We deciphered the level of importance of accuracy for meals tracked

  • We identified key areas of friction

  • We learned about the awareness and comprehension of different features on the app

  • We learned about user’s real search behaviors

  • We learned about user’s different views on branded items VS non-branded items



  • We confirmed our initial hypothesis that there was undue friction and we needed to better match user’s natural search behavior

  • As a result of this study, the team has given time to better the algorithm food database, that is, clean up the current database

  • Design partners: removing friction from food search and tracking flow & eliminate redundant steps

  • Product strategy: prioritize the redesign of the FST experience.


Moderated Usability Study