Lakeview Community Schedule Website

Lakeview is a community center whose mission is to help the members of the community. They offer gym memberships, tutoring services, free meals, Zumba classes, yoga classes, computer training, and many more.

The Product

Website for viewing community classes, activities, & signing up for activities.

Project Overview

The Problem

Less than 10% of the older population in the community were utilizing the scheduling website to book community-based activities, leading to low attendance in community-based activities.


Qualitative, Behavioral, Attitudinal, Empathy Maps, Personas, Journey Mapping, Moderated Usability Study

Role & Responsibility

UX Researcher: UserTesting, Methodology, Stakeholders Interview, Data Analysis, Presentation, Insight Development, Persona Development, Next Steps

The Goal

An easy-to-navigate scheduling website for all age groups. Improve use satisfaction by making the website less complex for the older population, thereby increasing overall participation in community-based activities.

Methodology & Participant(s)

In-Person Moderated Usability Study, 15 participants (11 Females & 4 Males), Age range: 58-80, Recruitment: In-person by Center Director, Platform: UserTesting

Research Summary: After completing Stakeholder interviews and reviewing existing data, a target user persona was created to better understand our user and outline the research objectives and hypothesis.

Research Findings: The result of the usability study confirmed our initial hypothesis that the website was too complex and not intuitive for older users; it also showed that users welcomed the idea of in-center training to aid their experience with the website.

Journey Map

The journey map allowed us to walk as the user through the process of accessing and navigating the scheduling website. This helped us identify further improvements needed to resolve the identified pain points.

Identify The Problem & Define Goal

The Problem:

The website was too complex to navigate, and there was no training to help transition the users from signing up in person to signing up on the website.

  • Low Affordance of Schedule Tab

  • Low Awareness of Website features

  • Disorganized website arrange

  • Poor Information Architecture

The Goal:

Make the website more user-friendly and provide a week-long training session to teach the older population how to navigate the website.


  • 93% Of participants said the website was too complex

    • Low affordance of website features

    • Poor organization

    • Low awareness of scheduling tab

    • Poor navigation

    • Poor accessibility tools (Text to speech generator, Font size increase, highlighting next steps)

  • 7% of participants did not know the website existed

    • Poor Marketing


  • Low affordance of website features

  • Poor organization

  • Low awareness of scheduling tab

  • Poor navigation

  • Poor accessibility tools (Text to speech generator, Font size increase, highlighting next steps)

  • Poor marketing



  • Designers and engineers:

    • Website organization

    • Accessibility tools

    • Navigation

  • Marketing Team: Spread the word

  • Center: In-house training open to anyone, targeted to 60 and over, to learn how to get on the website


  • UX Researcher: Conduct a card sort study

Follow-Up (July 2022)

The center reported that after making changes to the website and following the week-long training workshop, scheduling on the website increased from 10% to 40%.

The center still offers training to any individual that may need more help navigating the website.

The center found that frequency of older individuals participating in community-based activities increased from a range of 0-2 individuals in February to a range of 3-5 individuals in June.

“Who knew the website was this easy.”


Diary Study

