Poise Box is a responsive subscription-based beauty product for obtaining randomized beauty items with a month-to-month subscription option for users

The Product

A subscription-based beauty product that offers users “glamacessories” with a month-to-month subscription.

Project Overview

The Problem

The growing rate of subscribers canceling their subscription after an average of 3 months.

Role & Responsibility

UX Researcher: Methodology, Stakeholders Interview, Data Analysis, Presentation, Insight Development, Persona Development, Next Steps


Quantitative, Qualitative, Attitudinal, Empathy maps, Personas, Survey, Affinity mapping.

The Goal

To improve user satisfaction and increase the average length of subscription as an active subscriber on the platform.

Methodology & Participant(s)

In-app Survey, 45 participants, Age range: 16-3, Platform: Poise Box Website


Research Summary: A quantitative survey with an option for a free text, allowing users on the platform to quickly give their feedback about their use of the platform. In collaboration with the design team, we created a pop-up survey for signed-in subscribers who had just canceled their subscriptions.

The pop-up survey asked for volunteers to answer 5 questions to help create better customer satisfaction.

Using the data received, we created personas, user journeys, empathy maps, and affinity mapping to understand the users’ needs.

Identify The Problem & Define Goal

The Problem:

The website was not providing new products to the users, and most users mentioned that the products they received were poor quality and not worth the subscription price.

The Goal:

Increase and improve product selections in the monthly box to improve user satisfaction and increase the average length of subscription as an active subscriber.


  1. How long were you subscribed to the platform?

    a) less than 3 months b) 3-6 months c) More than 6 months d) Other (type in)

  2. How often do you use the products in your box?

    a) 1-3 times/week b) 3-6 times/week c) More than 6 times/week d) Other (type in)

  3. What was your top reason for cancelling your subscription?

    a) Newer products b) Lower subscription cost c) Choose products d) Other (type in)

  4. If you considered resubscribing in the future, what would likely be the reason?

    a) Expanded beauty catalogue b) Products that interest you c) Lower subscription d) other (type in)

  5. If you could, what is 1 thing you would have changes in your experience with our service?

    a) Diverse products b) Frequency of new products c) subscription cost d) other (type in)

    Additional feedback (type in)


70% of participants canceled their subscription within 3 months

50% of participants hardly used products in their box

61% of participants did not like the products they received in their boxes

50% of participants wanted new products

85% would return if they received better quality and newer products


  • Low affordance of website features

  • Poor quality of products

  • Limited variety of products

  • Products are not personable to users



  • Personable: Provide users with an intake quiz to better identify what type of products they want

  • Continuous in-app survey: To get constant user feedback

  • Customer service: Provide users with a platform to access support when need

  • A wider range of products: Introduce new products more often, and cycle out old products

  • Wider range of subscription tiers


  • UX Researcher: Conduct IDIs with 6 participants that took the survey.

  • Conduct IDIs with active subscribers to determine their satisfaction and what keeps them subscribed to platform


Moderated Usability Study


Field Study